Searching a Job From Spain

vr, 05/30/2008 - 23:33
I'm new in this Forum. :smt001
I'm a dentist, and I'm willing to come to Holland to work. I'm comming in September. But I still don't have a job. I did my studies in Spain but I've got dutch nationality. Eventhough, my dutch is quite poor, I've never lived here for a long period. However, my English is good enough! :smt017
I'd really like to know , if somebody can tell me, which are my possibilities to work as a dentist here in The Netherlands, considering my conditions, specially because of the language. I've got 1 year experience in the job. I just need different opinions and Orientations. Can anybody help me?
Does anybody knows if it's a good idea finding a job through the Web? I mean if anybody has experience in it?
In the other side, is anybody aware of wich are those areas in Holland with a higher lack of dental professionals (dentists)??

Thankyou VERY MUCH!! :smt006