Wist u dat...

vr, 09/02/2005 - 19:48
De electrische stoel is uitgevonden door een tandarts???
(maar niet al te lang over nadenken)


:smt006 Monique

of deze (let wel enge tekst!)

Walter Freeman, an American physician, with his colleague James Watts, performed his first lobotomy operation in 1936. He was so satisfied with the results that he went on to do many thousands more, and in fact began a propaganda campaign to promote its use. He is also famous for inventing what is called ice pick lobotomy. Impatient with the difficult surgical methods pioneered by Moniz, he found he could insert an ice pick above each eye of a patient with only local anesthetic, drive it through the thin bone with a light tap of a mallet, swish the pick back and forth like a windshield wiper and -- voilà -- a formerly difficult patient is now passive.

Freeman recommended the procedure for everything from psychosis to depression to neurosis to criminality. He developed what others called assembly line lobotomies, going from one patient to the next with his gold-plated ice pick, even having his assistants time him to see if he could break lobotomy speed records. It is said that even some seasoned surgeons fainted at the site. Even Watts thought he had gone too far.


vr, 09/02/2005 - 20:23 Permalink

En wie kende er deze

(Late 2003, Hong Kong) An unidentified Hong Kong resident, age 50, entered the Accident and Emergency Department of a local hospital complaining of abdominal pain. The doctor's examination revealed peritonitis, an inflammation of the abdomen. Wondering what had caused this problem, doctors ordered an x-ray and noticed what appeared to be an eel inside his colon. Yes, the man said, there was an eel inside him. He had been suffering from constipation and thought that inserting an eel into his rectum would relieve it. Could the eel be the source of his pain?
The man was rushed to the operating room, where an emergency laparoscope's disclosed that a 50-cm (19-inch) eel was biting the side of his colon. The eel also had apparently also taken a 3-cm bite out of his rectum wall. After surgeons reconstructed the rectum, his pain and his constipation were both cured. He was discharged from the hospital a week later.

Deze is zelfs door pubmed te vinden geweest, foto's erbij ook. Het is wel een raadselachtig gebeuren geweest, kent iemand nog de "achterwerk in de kast" aflevering met dat knulletje met "palings"? Nou die liet een paling zien, leuk en aardig een paling maar toen wou hij hem terugstoppen in een grote jampot en dat viel dus vies tegen. Maar dit??
do, 10/20/2005 - 19:06 Permalink

Hahaha DJ dat kan ik me nog zo goed herinderen!!! ooh wat lag ik vlak toen dat ik het zag... en het wordt nog vaak herhaald ook... (arm joch)..
vr, 10/21/2005 - 13:34 Permalink

Maar de link naar de VPRO site, met wat meer achterwerk ... :lol:. Die meisjes had ik nooit gezien, ik heb er al 10x naar gekeken. Ge-wel-dig.
"Eejh!- Gordijntje dicht!! :smt083 :roll:.
ma, 10/24/2005 - 20:19 Permalink

Hehe, eerst legt hij hem er idd weer op terig maar ik geloof de tweede keer gaatie denken en laat hij hem eraf :D. Je kunt het zien als een
soort rijmschema of een choreografie:

gevecht met paling
kartonnetje ordelijk erop
gevecht met paling
kartonnetje erop? nee eraf
gevecht met paling
orde .. éérst kartonnetje erop, dan gordijntje dicht
wo, 10/26/2005 - 19:09 Permalink