Good dentist in Austin

zo, 08/28/2011 - 04:31
Can anyone help me find a good dentist in Austin?

Sure !, no problem at all ,

You mean Austin TX (Texas), Austin NV (Nevada) , Austin CO (Colorado), or Austin MN (Minnesota) ?

In case it is Austin TX , i would visit Dr. Matthew Horne, because :

There is nobody better in the city. Dr. Horne outclasses them all with his warm demeanor, gentle touch, light-hearted personality, and overall expertise and care for your teeth. He works tirelessly to make sure everything is absolutely perfect.

His assistants are in a class of their own, too. So helpful. So caring. Such a blanket of calm over what can sometimes be a nerve-wrecking experience.

zo, 08/28/2011 - 20:02 Permalink

There are a lot of good dentists in Austin, so finding one is really more about personal preference and convenience. A great place to start looking for a dentist in Austin is on Yelp or a similar review site, since it will allow you to look in your particular area. You should also look around dentists’ websites, as this is the best way to learn about their education and training, as well as their licensure and accreditation. In the end, a little bit of research on your part can easily turn up a good dentist in Austin.
di, 09/06/2011 - 15:47 Permalink